Happy Easter to everybody! Easter is celebrated in Kazakhstan by many Christians living in the country. Did you know that Kazakhstan is populated by 120 ethnic groups? The largest are Kazakhs (68%) and Russians (21%).
Orthodox Easter falls on the 19th of April, but you can already buy traditional Easter bread called "Paskha" or "Kulich". Actually Paskha is very similar to Panettone, Christmas bread popular in Italy and in Latin America. Each time we come to Peru during Christmas holidays, we eat Panettone with hot chocolate, mums.
I like baking, but baking Paskha is too time-consuming ritual. Instead I've picked up a tasty, easy and healthy "Poppy cake" recipe made without flour. Here we go:
200 g poppy seeds (vallmofrön/зерна мака)
200 g walnuts
200 g sugar
6 eggs
1 tsp vanilla sugar
50 g breadcrumbs (ströbröd/панировач сухари)
1. Blend poppy seeds and walnuts ti fine crumbs in the food processor. Mix with the breadcrumbs.
2. Wisp egg yolks with sugar.
3.Wisp egg whites separately with vanilla sugar.
4. Stir 1-2-3 (crumbs, egg yolks and egg whites)gently until blended . The mixture should be fluffy.
5. Put in the round form 26 sm. Bake for 25-30 minutes in the oven preheated to 200 C.
Enjoy! The cake baked yeasterday is already gone))))
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